12/12/01 |
Welcome to Boston University's Maximum Security Prison...Here on the 12th floor of the C tower, we strive to achieve excellence in our pursuit of Engineering glory. We work hard every day to keep up with the rigorous schedules that we are forced to deal with. In order to relieve the stress of being an Engineering major, here at BU, we have resorted to many forms of entertainment. It's amazing what a floor full of Engineers will think of when it is four in the morning and we've been drinking all night. This site is dedicated to the enjoyment of college students everywhere, particularly those who understand the psychotic behavior we embody when we should be either sleeping or studying. What the hell, who needs college? Not Us! Come and see how you too can blow $35,000 a year on pointless shit. What to do here... Meet the 12C residents, Check out Quotes, Read about Past Events, See Who's Won the Award of the Week, Find out the Latest Bottle Count, Go to our Favorite Links and finally Tell Us What You Think!! Now, that's the best part...if you can relate to any of the events posted, tell us about it! We're cut off from the world and need to find out what life is like in your part of town.
This site was last updated 12/12/01